9/4/2018 Last edited: 8/25/2024

My Next Chapter: Gatsby

Headshot portrait of Dustin Schau

Dustin Schau

Product & Engineering Leader

A prefiw for a blog post

(Pretend that’s me and not Kevin Durant)

I’m incredibly excited to announce that I’ve accepted a role with Gatsby Inc. working on an awesome static-site generator for React—although anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I think it’s so much more 😅.

For those who may not be aware of what Gatsby is, go check out the documentation and read up on the company itself if it tickles your fancy—oh, and this blog you’re reading right now? Created with and powered by Gatsby! Gatsby powers an increasing number of incredibly successful and performant websites, including the ReactJS.org docs, CSS Grid by Mozilla, and far, far more.

The role with Gatsby will be far different than anything I’ve done as of yet in my career, but I look very much forward to this next journey working on something that I believe to be transformative, powerful, and capable of shaping the modern web experience.

Thank you

I want to thank each and every one of my co-workers (and friends!) not only at Object Partners, but also Union Pacific. Both were transformative places in my career, and I can’t recommend them both highly enough. Talented folks working on fun projects, what more could you want!?